Wednesday, June 13, 2007


For centuries people have used screening
in the garden in one form or another.

They were used to:

Hide an unsightly view,
Create privacy,
Separate one area from another,
Create a shelter from the wind,
or to create a backdrop to highlight a feature in the garden.

The advantage of manufactured screens, is that they provide an instant effect in the garden, whereas trying to achieve the same result using plant material in the garden, would take a lot longer & comes with a whole series of other challenges like regular maintenance.

Other than built screens e.g. solid walls, most screens are made from timber & other natural products, & with the technology available & the global village phenomenon, there is now a wide range of material to choose from.

The cost of this material can vary considerably, but there is a solution to suite every budget.
Some of the material is supplied in rolls of various lengths, (1.5M or 2M High x 3M in length being the most common), while others can be purchased in a timber frame, giving it a more formal appearance.

Information Supplied By : Decor Lattice

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